Hi, have you ever wondered How to start a Blog? or more importantly 'How to Make Money Blogging'? It really is simple and in this guide I will show you everything you need to know to get started. I'll show you where
to go, what to do and how to do it. So please just relax, grab a pen, maybe a cup of tea (or coffee), bookmark the page etc and get ready to learn how easily it can be done in a few short steps.
Most people see websites and blog's with
links and fancy headlines, then think ''I'll
never be able to do that!'' believe me I've been there too. The thing is,
most people are greedy, make it seem way over complicated with the language
they use and basically just want to keep it to themselves, which is where I
step in. I want to show people that anybody can do this, not just the so called
So here goes, let's get stuck in.....
Niche Selection
Before you get into composing the website
itself, you need to think of what subject/category the website/your business is
going to be about. This is what is known as the 'Niche', which means a
focused, targetable part of the market. A specialist providing a product or
service that focuses on specific clients needs. In other words, you provide
the information that somebody is looking for.
Now, as I said, don't be concerned about
not being a 'specialist' in
anything, you don't need to be. There are places you can go, where the
information/specialist knowledge is already written for you. I'll show you were to find it and how to
apply it.
Ideally, this niche will be something of interest to you because if you're doing
something that's close to your heart or you enjoy, you're more likely to want
to make a success of it and put more effort into it. It's obviously a lot more
fun. Alternatively, if you already have a business in mind you can apply these
same methods.
There are so many different niche subjects you can choose, the list
is endless. A simple Google search will reveal the most popular. See below a
few ideas if you can't think of any yourself:
& Fitness
You can only have one subject for your
site, as multiple things going on will just cause confusion and lead to nobody
wanting to visit, which would defeat the object. Further down the line, once
your site is all set-up, bringing in the visitors and profits, feel free to set
one up in another category and simply apply the same methods.
But, until then let's stick to one :)
Step 1 – The Basics
First things first, just to give you an
idea of how a simple little blog can grow and expand to earn you a ridiculous
amount of money, check out the screen shot below of the top 10 highest earning
blogs in 2014.
Now, I'm by no means suggesting you're
going to go away and earn the sort of money shown above by copying what I'm
showing you (that really would be amazing!), but what it will do is give you
the foundation and potential to generate your own income from home.
When the people named above started out
with their first blog, I’m sure they also wouldn't have imagined earning those
amounts in their wildest dreams. It just shows, everybody starts somewhere.
Also, don't just think you're going to
set this up, then sit back and watch the money roll in, this isn't what this is
about. Don't get me wrong, a lot of things are set-up to run on auto-pilot,
which I think is fantastic, but if you don't continue to oversee things, make
updates, tweaks, additions, alterations etc. Then your audience will desert you
and that's exactly what your blog will do, sit there doing nothing. The
best thing you can do is Keep up with
the times and continue to learn and adpat in this ever changing world.
Right, enough of the chit chat. The very
first thing you need to do, if you haven't already is register an account with
gmail, which is FREE. Go to http://www.gmail.com and sign up for your
Free account.
If you already have one, I would suggest
creating a new one specifically for this (you do need to put your real mobile
number in to verify your account. This number will not be used for anything
else, so don't worry). You can untick the 'google using your information' box
if you wish, entirely up to you.
Now close that down, head back to gmail
and login to your new account. Once in your gmail account,
you then type into your website browser at the top http://www.blogger.com.
You are then given 2 options ---> to
create a Google+ profile or a Blogger
Profile, which is the one we will use for now. You can also untick the
'email notifications' box if you don't want to receive any or if you do, just
leave it ticked.
Insert your display name, which is how you want to be seen
(your actual name will be fine for this) and then continue to blogger. Your
name will now appear at the top of the page and underneath this you will see 'Create new Blog', which is what we will
do now, so click on this.
This can now begin to get a little
exciting, as you can select the title and web address for your new blog.
Remember, try and make this as relevant to your niche/business as possible.
Whether it's 'losing weight', 'making money', 'personal development' etc. Or
your already existing business. Don't worry too much, as this can all be
changed if need be at a later date.
Title: How To Lose Weight – Fast
Address: lose weight now – which becomes http://www.loseweightnow.blogspot.co.uk
Template: Choose any template of your
Now, when typing your new blog address,
it may say that it is already taken. If this is the case, you'll need to keep
going until you find one that is available (Be
clever and make it as catchy as possible).
Once this is done ---> Create Blog. You can then go to 'view blog' at the top of the page,
which will open a new tab with the basic blog you have just created, amazing
and simple!?
Anybody in the world can now type into google or their browser
your blog address e.g. http://www.loseweightnow.blogspot.co.uk and
it will take them directly to the blog you've just created.
Feel free to check it out yourself, as
I'm sure it will give you a new sense of optimism, which I had when I first
learned how to do this. Feeling good and positive?
The domain name you've just created (web address) is now hosted by google
for FREE, so ''No hosting charges and no
domain name purchases'', as you've just created it from scratch.
Step 2 – Blog Content
The next thing you will need to think
about doing is writing/posting on your blog. I know this may sound hard and
complicated as you're maybe unsure of what to write about etc. But it can be
really simple. Surprisingly enough, ''you
don't even have to write the articles yourself'', as I will show you where
and how to do this.
Although on the other hand, if you enjoy
writing and are good at writing articles or you already have things in mind for
your business/niche, feel free to do them yourself or have a mixture of both.
There are hundreds and thousands of
places you can obtain articles on the internet. You can either go to google and
type in whatever niche/business your blog is about e.g. 'losing weight articles' or you could visit websites such as http://www.ezinearticles.com
or http://www.goarticles.com
to name a few.
Once you find something of interest or
you think would appeal to your target audience, go to your blog and click on
the pen/pencil icon near the top of
the page, which is to 'create a new
post'. You will then come to the page display below.
All you now need to do is go back to the
article you have chosen and highlight it (hold
down the left click of your mouse and drag the cursor to the end). Now,
right click over the highlighted section and select 'copy'.
Go back to your blog post page and right
click in the main section, then select 'paste'.
This will now show the article you have selected in your page view (you can delete any unwanted information
that is on there, such as links or advertisements to other people's
It is always good to try and have
pictures with your articles, as they're more likely to catch people's attention
and wonder what is being talked about. You then do the exact same thing for the
'post title', just copy and paste it
into the section above the post, again making sure it is just the title and no
other text that isn't required.
What you now need to do however is ensure
the post is how you want it and no parts missing or added, then you need to
show where you got the
article from as reference to prevent
copyright. Basically, just highlight and copy the
web address where you got the article from, then go back to your post (ensuring your cursor is at the end
of your article) and click on the 'Link' icon and paste your web address into the section provided.
Make sure you tick 'open this in a new window', so if somebody does view your blog and
clicks on the web address link when reading, they don't leave your page. It
just opens another tab on their computer, but keeps yours there as well. Then
click 'OK'.
Now you want to make sure you have what
is known as 'Keywords' attached to
your articles, which can be found in google searches. It just makes it easier
for people to find your blog/posts. Down the right hand side, you have what is
called 'Labels'... Click on this,
where you will type in relevant keywords to match your post, e.g. Weight loss
tips, Weight loss secrets, etc.
If your post was an article on say, '5 Diet tips to help you lose weight'.
Your 'Labels' could be – Weight loss, Lose weight, Diet tips
etc. Any specific keywords that are talked about in the article. Just ensure
you put a comma and space between each label like I have, then click done.
Once completed, click on 'Publish' and it will show your post
title and the labels you've created. Click on 'view blog' at the top of the page and 'hey presto!' a new tab
opens with your blog and your new post. Told
you this was easy.
Although you may think 'Why would I put somebody else's link on my
site?' Firstly, you have to for copyright reasons and secondly, it's a win
win situation. They could get a little exposure (if people bothered to click on the link at the end of an article, I
know I don't) and you get to post articles for free, without having to do
any of the hard work in writing them.
Other benefits are that you can be the go
to person for people looking for specific information that you can provide them
with, rather than having to search the internet trying to find it themselves.
You'll also be using different sources to get different articles, so it's not
as if you're just
promoting the same individuals work all
the time.
Step 3 – Improving your blog layout &
You've now got your blog created and know
how to write a post. What you now need to do is begin to make it look a little
easier on the eye and come across more professional. Go to your blog http://www.blogger.com (You'll
need to sign into your gmail account if you're not signed in already)
and click on the 'arrow' next to the
pen/pencil icon, which will give you a little drop down menu, as seen below.
Click on 'overview'. For future reference this will show your blog's
activity e.g. the graph shows how many views you have and on what date,
with your updates located next to it. This gets really exciting further down
the line, once you begin to see people visiting your blog.
Also, note that
every time you click on 'view blog',
this will also show as a person viewing it, when really it was you. You can
take this off so it doesn't register as a view, but I generally just leave it
Next, you can click on the 'layout' label down the left hand side,
which will show an overview of your blog. Firstly, you want to let people be
able to share your posts on social media, which can put you in front of
thousands of people and help generate a huge following.
So, where it says 'blog posts' in the middle, click on 'edit' below. Here you can now alter some of the settings, as you
see fit, this is personal preference. I would advise you always have 'labels' ticked and also 'reactions' are ideal for people
leaving comments, so you can engage with your audience. You can alter these as
you see fit e.g. you might want to delete the word 'cool' and add maybe
'fascinating' or 'intriguing', whatever you think might get a response from
Make sure, the 'show share buttons' is ticked as well, these are what enables
people to link your posts to Social Media. At the bottom you will see your 'arrangements', the best thing to do is
to left click on the 'social media share
buttons' and drag them to the space above your post and then save (or
wherever you feel suits best). This just makes it easier for people to see them
when they look at your blog and are more likely to click on them. Once saved,
also ensure you click on 'save
arrangements' at the top right of the screen. This will save any
alterations you have made.
If you look down the left hand side again
underneath 'layout' is 'template'. So go ahead and click on
this, as we need to change the structure a little to make it a little more user
friendly. Here you can change the background image if you're not 100% happy
with how it looks or just have a play around in case something might suit
better, so click on 'customise'.
Here you can view the different styles
available and then once
decided, click on 'apply to blog' at the top right of the page. If you click
on the 'background' you can also change the colours, images and so on,
whatever you think suits best.
In the customise section of the
templates, go to 'layout' (blog
template designer) and I suggest you alter 'body
layout' to the one with the 3 columns and title across the top. As
highlighted below. This can always be changed later, so you have a browse
around the internet and see what you feel would look the best for your blog.
Now what you need to do is 'adjust widths' and make the entire
blog section bigger to approx 1250px
and enlarge either sidebar to approx 300px
(so that it fits nicely and you don't need to scroll sideways to view
everything). This can instantly irritate some people, who may just leave your
blog. Have a play around and find what suits. Again, all settings can be
altered at a later date.
There is also the 'advanced' options, where you can change your fonts, columns etc.
Again this is just personal preference. Once all has been applied, make sure
you click on the 'apply to blog' in
the top right corner and then go to 'view blog' to see all the changes have
now been set.
Step 4 – Monetizing your blog
This is usually the place where people
start to get a little more interested,
as we begin to look at ways you can earn
money through your blog. One
such way is to create a Google Adsense account (although google have recently introduced a
new restriction, which means you can only create a Google Adsense account after
you have had your blog for at least 6 months). I'll just briefly run
through this method for now, as it won't currently apply to you.
If you go to your 'blogger overview' as before and down the left you will see 'earnings', click on this. Then you can
go to Google Adsense (after 6 months
remember) and create an account. Enter your details as requested for payments
to you. The account type can be set as 'individual'
and country is where you are currently situated/resident, then your name and
address (you do need to be 18+ to create
this account) and agree to all the policies specified ---> Be sure to
read them first.
Read the terms and conditions, then
accept. You will then need to wait for Adsense to accept you. Once this has
happened, you go to your blog overview, select 'layout' and add a gadget on either side. Scroll down to Adsense
and select, fill in your details, select what type you would like and save.
With Google
Adsense, it basically allows people/companies to advertise on your blog.
Don't worry, they don't just fill it with rubbish. You basically have control
as to where these adverts are posted and can also opt out, if you change your
mind. The beauty is, when people click on
these links and make purchases etc, you'll receive a payment!
Other methods with which you can get
started instantly are, affiliate
add/links. This means you can have a banner/link
situated at the side of your posts and if somebody decides to click on these,
they will then be directed to that persons sales page, product or website. If
they decide to purchase something, because they have come from your site, you will receive a very nice and welcome
commission payment! Nice and easy with no hard work or selling on your
and how can I set this up I hear you ask?
Well, look no further. One such place is where you can become an affiliate for
FREE is http://www.clickbank.com,
which is an online marketplace for people like us, promoting affiliate products
(other peoples products).
Go ahead and register your details for your FREE
account, as these are the ones who will be sending you your commission cheques. Once registered, head to the marketplace
at the top of the screen and select whatever area/niche you are involved in
down the left hand side (don't promote
anything, just for the sake of making money, ensure it relates to your target
market). Try to look for good products, do some research and get an idea of
what looks good and what doesn't. The last thing you want to be doing is
promoting things that don't do what they say they do.
Above is an example of a Clickbank affiliate product. Say your
niche/business is in health and fitness. If you went to the Clickbank marketplace and selected
health and fitness, you will then see a list of people advertising products.
The products at the top are generally what people are making the most money
with, although you can filter the search as you see fit.
Now locate one that you're happy to
promote. Usually at the end of their paragraph describing the product/service
they will have a link e.g. http://www.truthaboutcellulite.com/affiliates
(just a current example). If you copy and paste this link into a new page in
your web browser, it will show you as an affiliate of Clickbank,
all the tools you can use to promote that product, e.g. they will have logo
links, banners, swipe emails etc.
What we’re looking for here is an advertising banner. Ideally select one
that will fit nicely into your blog, so for example a nice small square banner
---> 250x250. If you click on the
banner of your choice, it will bring up a HTML
code, all you do is highlight this and copy it. Then head back to your
blog, go to 'overview', then the 'layout' section and select 'add a gadget' on one side of your
blog. Scroll down to HTML/JavaScript
and select, then paste your HTML code
into the 'content' section.
Now make a note of this, what you ''Must Not Forget'' to do is change the
XXX's at the start of the link, e.g. http://www.xxx.clickbank...... --->
Delete them and add your Clickbank ID,
which you made when you signed up. Sometimes instead of XXX it may say something different like 'YOURID' etc.
Usually this is mentioned to you when
you're obtaining your link from Clickbank.
Then save this, go to 'view blog'
and you will see your new affiliate banner. If you click on it, it will show
you what somebody else would see if they did, which will probably be the sales
page for the product. If they decide to
buy, a nice little commission will come your way.
You can now got back to Clickbank and promote a different
product (although be sure not to fill
your blog with countless banners and promotions, as people will just see it as
this and only this). Repeat the same method as mentioned above. If you want
to remove any banners or links, you can either do it from your 'layout' section, by clicking on it and
selecting remove, then 'save
arrangements' or you can go to your blog and you will see the spanner tool
next to your banner, just click on that and again select 'remove'.
Alternatively in Clickbank, some products don't have the affiliate web link for you
to obtain your banner from. If there is one that your keen to promote, this can
still be done, just in a slightly different way. If you click on the 'Promote' icon, next to the product in
the marketplace, you can
insert your account name (Clickbank ID). Once you have done
this, you select 'create'. This will
give you your affiliate HTML code,
which you need to highlight and copy.
Now as shown above, you will also need to
find a picture of the product your looking to promote. You'll be able to get
these by clicking on the product sales page, then copying and pasting them to
you computer.
about if you have your own product that you want to sell, so you can take all
the profits? Well, you can do this too. What you
first of all need to do is, find a picture of the product you're looking to
sell/advertise, as any picture can be made into a banner.
Once you've done this, go to your blog
and to the 'layout' section, then 'add a gadget', but this time scroll
down to 'image' and select. You can
now have a title if you wish, which will appear above the banner and also add a
link of where when clicked on, you want the banner to send the person, e.g. a sales page or other website URL.
Upload the picture you want as your banner, then save and go and 'view blog' to see the result.
Once you've copied your HTML code and saved a picture for your
banner on your computer, you can head back to your blog. Go to 'overview', 'layout' and 'add a gadget',
scroll down to 'image', then paste
in your HTML code, upload your
picture and save. 'View blog' and
you'll see your product will now be displayed as your banner. Bear
in mind though, as you may need to alter some of the picture sizes to suit when
saving to your computer. You can always
delete and remove anything, so don't be too concerned about making any
If you click on the newly created banner,
it will direct you to the sales page of that person's product on Clickbank. As I told you earlier, none
this is particularly hard, but if nobody
shows you how to do it, it can be practically impossible.
Step 5 – Monetize with Amazon
As in the previous step with Clickbank, you can also have an 'affiliation with Amazon' and just
think, who doesn't buy from Amazon these
To do this you scroll to the bottom of
the homepage and click on 'associates
program' and register there as an affiliate.
In future you can sign in as normal, then go to the affiliate program and it will bring up your affiliate page, as
shown below.
If you hover over the 'Links & Banners' tab at the top of
the page, it will drop down some further options and you need to select 'Banner Links'.
Now you will see a section that displays
different categories, e.g. Amazon Homepage, Amazon Logo's, Books and so on.
Have a browse through them all and you will see the different banner types and
styles, so try to select one that best suits your niche/business.
Once you've located your preferred
banner, it will have a HTML code
below it, so as before you just highlight it and copy it. Go back to your blog,
to 'overview', then 'layout' and 'add a gadget'. Scroll down to the HTML/Javascript section and select. Now paste your copied link into
the 'content' section.
The good thing with Amazon is that by
logging into your affiliate account,
they have already embedded you're Amazon
ID into the original link, so you don't need to worry about adding
or deleting anything. You can just save it.
If you now go to 'view blog', your new Amazon
banner link will be displayed in the location you put it and as before you
can check it out by
clicking on it and it will take you
directly to the Amazon website. What's even better here, is that the person can
buy absolutely anything on Amazon and because they came through your site, you will receive your commission payment!
Sound good?
internet is full of millions of websites and businesses that will happily let
you become an affiliate of theirs to promote their products/services.
This gives them exposure they wouldn't
otherwise have and also gives you a product to advertise. You can now both make
money out of it, which suits both parties (in a way it can be similar to a
Joint Venture, which we'll go into more detail another time).
A website called http://www.jvzoo.com is another, exactly
the same as Clickbank, that you can
register for and become an affiliate promoting other people's products in
exactly the same way, so check it out.
also have an affiliate program,
which you can register for, that works in the same way as the previous set-up
with Amazon. The list is endless!
A little tip, sometimes if you go to a
website and cannot find where it says about becoming an affiliate, occasionally
if at the end of their web address you put /affiliate
or /affiliates, if they have one
it sometimes takes you direct to their affiliate program.
Step 6 – Creating Your Opt-in List
In this section, I will be showing you
how to set up an optin-box, which is
basically a 'sign up' form. This is
the heart of your online business, as this is where you will begin to collect
and store your database of customers/subscribers.
Every company in the world requires this
and is the most essential, as without customers you have nobody to buy your
product or service. If you think back to when you buy something online or
in-store these days, you're generally asked to give your email address etc.
This is exactly what those companies are doing, adding you to their database of
customers for future reference. In your case, you will be using this to provide
things such as, valuable and essential information, new updates, new products
within your niche etc, to your list of customers.
The amazing thing with this, is once they
sign in you don't specifically have to do anything else. Everything is stored
and looked after for you on auto-pilot. This is done by a fantastic piece of
online software, which can be set-up to send emails to your list of customers
at the click of a button. You can even set it up to send an email to everybody
on a specific date and at a specific time. It truly is fantastic and one which
millions and millions of people use on a regular basis.
This software is what is know as an 'auto-responder', which basically means
everything can be automatically done for you and it responds to whatever you
tell it to do, truly amazing and is nowhere near as complicated as it may
sound. The only minor downside to this however (if you can call it that), is
the fact that unfortunately you have to pay for it, as does everybody else in the world including
myself. There is just no way around not having such software, if you want to
run a successful work from home/online business. It is however, the only thing
you do need to pay for to get this whole system up and running, which isn't bad
As with all the entrepreneurs and
successful business people out there, I have also done my fair share of
research and testing. There are however a couple that are the most popular in
the industry, which are Aweber and Getresponse. In my opinion and the
majority of people I am in contact with, the easiest to use and most suitable
is by far Aweber.
If you are a little tentative, like I’m
pretty sure you will be, you can just trial this software for 1 month for the
small price of $1. Then you can set
it all up, see how it works and then if you don't want to continue at the end
of it, you can just cancel (although I’m sure once you see how good it is, you
won't want to cancel anyway).
your $1 trial you can simply go to --->
This link will take you to the superb software that is Aweber. The good thing about this is that, even
if you decide to continue to see how it goes for a while, you're not tied into
any form of contract, so you can cancel your subscription at any time in the
future, without any penalties whatsoever.
Believe me, it will boost your business
ten-fold and enable you to consistently connect with an unlimited amount people
to offer your products and services to.
In case you're wondering, after the
first month the price then goes up to $19
per month (this is currently fixed by Aweber and all auto-responders are a
similar price), which isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things and considering
what this does. This will be THE most
important tool at your disposal.
Also, bear in mind you can continue to
set-up your blog and affiliate links, without using the software. Although you
won't be able to grow and develop your own business from home without this. I'm
sure you're reading this booklet because you want to change your life and
become a success in your own right. This is the first step to get you there.
Right, now back to setting up this
opt-in. If you sign in to your new Aweber
account (see homepage below).
Once signed in, you'll see a tab that
says 'Sign up forms'. Click on this
and then on the icon that says 'create
new sign up form'. Here you can now decide how you want your 'sign up form' to look. Browse through all the template designs
until you find one that you like or that best suits your niche/business. Once
you have selected one, you can also change the colour, so feel free to pick
your favourite and it will adjust accordingly.
Over to the left hand side, you have a
section that says 'create new field'.
This means, you can add other information categories as you please, e.g. You
could request their telephone number (although
this can possibly be
as a little intrusive, so I’d suggest not to and keep it simple),
but the choice is yours. If you now hover over your sign up template, you will
notice that it highlights each section and if you select it, you can edit any
details yourself.
If you click on the 'sign up/submit' button, you may feel that you want a different description,
so you could edit this to say something like 'show me more' or 'I want it
now' or any other alternative. Again, this can be altered as often and
as many times as you like. There are lots of little features you can adjust,
like writing captions in the header or footer by clicking on them and inserting
Once done, just head to the next step.
Here you can give the web form a name, e.g. a title that only you will see,
that if people sign up on your blog, they will come under a specific category.
As eventually you could have different blogs in different niches/businesses,
where you wouldn't want to be sending information about losing weight to
somebody whose signed up for something totally different. The great thing is
you can run as many different campaigns as you like.
Now the thank you page is what the subscriber
will receive upon sign up, just to say 'thanks
for subscribing', which I would generally advise to leave as it is. If you
wanted to, you could change this to a 'custom
page'. This is where, going back to Clickbank
for a minute, you could put your web
address/referral link in here, which means when somebody signs up, they
would be directed to an affiliate sales
page, where you could gain your commission if they purchased something. This
is personal choice, as it could lead to sales but also could seem a little
pushy, it's your call.
You will now need to save your form before you can move on to the next step. In this
section, if you click on 'I will install
my form', all you need to do is highlight and copy all of the text
displayed, then open another tab in your web browser and go to http://www.blogger.com
Go to your 'overview', 'layout' and 'add a gadget'.
Select the HTML/Javascript and just
paste in the code and save. You can add a title here if you wish e.g.
'Do you want to know the secrets to
losing weight fast!?' and you could also have altered your sign up button
to say 'Yes Please'. Once finished,
make sure it's saved and then go to 'view
blog' to see the end result.
You can now check this out for yourself
if you wish, by signing in with an email address and you will see exactly what
anybody else would see, the welcome page or your referral link. If you then log
into your Aweber account, you will
notice that you have a new subscriber stored in your newly created campaign.
don't spam people with unnecessary information or products, that they haven't
signed in for, as this can get you banned and listed as a spammer.
On your blog, you can move all your 'gadgets' around to suit your
preference, although I would advise keeping your sign up form at the top, as
this is the most important feature. You can do this by going to your 'layout' section and clicking on one of
the gadgets you have installed, hold the left button down and drag it to
whichever location you choose. Once you've had a play around and got things
where you want them to be, make sure you click on the 'save arrangements' icon at the top of the screen, then you can
view your changes.
It can also be a good idea to create some
free gifts for people when signing in, maybe as a little enticement or good
will gesture, as everybody likes getting something for free. If you decide to
do this, you would then want these free gifts to be automatically sent to them
upon sign up.
Surprisingly, Aweber can do this for you! What you need to do is log into your Aweber account, click on the messages
tab and go to 'Follow up series' and
then 'create a follow up'. This
really is so simple
and easy to do. Enter your subject title
e.g. ''welcome, enjoy your free gifts or congratulations, your free gifts are
here'' etc. Make sure though, if you have multiple campaigns, at the top of
the page, it will show you which list this is being created for.
Now, you can click on the 'templates' if you wish to alter the
design or just leave it as it is, plain and simple. If you click into 'templates' and then
click on the 'first name' icon in the text section, you can alter this to say
what you want e.g. 'full name', 'first name', 'email address' etc. which means when your email is sent out to
your list it will say, 'Hi Joe Bloggs or
'Hi Joe', whichever description you choose, clever I know.
This follow up series can be set-up for
whatever you like and you can also have as many as you like. If you are sending
a free gift or ebook or any sort of attachment, simply click on the paper-clip symbol at the bottom (attachment) and just upload it from
your computer, easy as that.
Once done, click on save, then go to the
next page. This takes you to the settings section, where you tell the software
when you want the email/follow up to
be sent to your list. You might want to send it immediately, so leave it as
that or maybe 1 day after sign up, so just alter it as you like. You can even
put a specific day and time if you wish, entirely up to you. Then just click
save and exit.
To prove to yourself this works as
intended and how you've designed it to, just click on the 'send test'. Put an email address of yours in and send it to
yourself. Your pre-written email and attachment will arrive, as if you had just
signed in as a subscriber or better still, you could visit your blog and sign
up and see how the whole process works.
Initially you should be diverted to your 'thank you' page, then you will be sent
your 'follow up' email. Now surely you're beginning to get a little
excited with seeing the amazing potential of this!? All at your finger
tips. Plus if you ever get stuck or have any questions or queries, Aweber has 24/7 support and as I’ve
found out in the past they are fantastic, so don't be scared to ask.
If you ever want to send a one-off email
to one or multiple people, that isn't an automated 'follow up', like shown previously, this is just as easy to do. You
might get a new product you want to tell people about or a promotion or just a
great piece of advice you have stumbled across.
To do this, go to your Aweber account and then to 'messages', 'broadcasts' and 'create a
broadcast'. It's now the exact same set-up as the 'follow up' procedure. Fill in your message, subject and any
attachments, then save and next.
You can share this if you wish via the
different forms shown, but I generally don't bother and just leave it as it is,
then head to the next page. Here you can either, turn the scheduler ON and set a date of when you want the
broadcast message to be sent or if you want it to go out straight away.
Simply fill in the details on the right
hand side and which subscribers you wish to send it to if you have multiple
lists and save message. Click on send broadcast, job done. Now everybody you
wanted will receive your email. I bet
you can't believe how easy all this has been, well you do now! Your one of
the people making your way on the inside and not on the outside looking in
wondering how things are done all the time, everyone of us has been there at
some point, so give yourself a little pat on the back.
One thing you can do with Aweber if you wish is remove the 'confirm opt-in' email. This is added by default, so you would need to
take it off. It basically means, if someone fills in their details and signs up
as a subscriber, they will receive an additional email asking them basically
are they sure they want to sign up, in which they have to confirm.
In this day and age, people don't want to
do anything that is a little more work and ignore it and might also make some
people a bit cautious as to why they're being asked again. Also, for me if they
are filling in their details to sign in, then they quite clearly want to do
that. It's not like they're stuck there forever either, as they can unsubscribe
at anytime anyway.
So, to do this you go to your Aweber account, click on the 'List options' tab and then 'List setting', scroll down to section
2 and click OFF so it is highlighted,
simple. Then you can save your settings. Alternatively you can leave this on if
you wish as Aweber recommends.
Step 7 – Adding To Your Blog
Now, to get your blog looking a little
better and easier to navigate, I suggest you add a few more gadgets. You can
add as many or as little as you wish, just add whatever you think may
help and if you don't think it looks right afterwards, you can always just
delete them and try another.
One recommendation would be to alter the
title of your 'labels', so head to
your blog 'overview', 'layout' and 'add a gadget', scroll down to 'labels'
and select. Be creative and put a title such as 'what we talk about' or 'hot
topics', as you'll see in your blog this is where people can click on a
label and it will take them directly to the article talking about that specific
subject (remember, these are the labels
you added when putting in a new post). Save this and then 'view blog' to check out your update.
Another feature I would add, is the
search option, so people can just type in what they're looking for if they
don't want to browse around the site. Go back to 'add a gadget' and scroll to 'search
box' and select. I'd untick the boxes apart from 'this blog', so people are only searching within your blog, then
save and view to see the outcome. As you can begin to see, all these additional
features make a more pleasant experience for your viewers and gives it more of
a professional edge.
The third gadget I highly recommend would
be 'popular posts'. Go back to 'add a gadget', find 'popular posts' and select. This is
good because it will show you what your visitors like and view the most, that
way you can begin to post more information regarding that specific subject.
Save this and then I'd personally position this under your 'labels' post, but again arrange the blog how you see fit. Always 'save arrangements' when moving your
gadgets around.
Along with these gadgets I would
recommend you give your website a more professional look that initially catches
the eye. As you now have your page title, I'm sure you'll agree that it doesn't
really stand out as it should. It needs to grab people's attention as soon as
they look at it.
Simply select a background image of your
choice, insert your text title and sub-title if you have one and alter any
colours or fonts to your taste. You can do this as many times as you wish, so
trial different ones and see which is best (make
sure you adjust the text align to centralise).
I personally tick the box below and don't
have a foreground image, but check it out, it might work well for you. Set the
pixels initially at 950 wide and 120 height (these can also be adjusted
later, depending on your blog content and how big you want your banner),
then you can click on preview banner.
Give it time to load up, then go back and
make any changes if necessary. If not, save banner. Then follow the
instructions provided, right click and 'save
as' to save to your computer. Return to your blog, go to 'overview' and 'layout', this time click on the 'header' and simply upload from your computer and there you have a
free professional looking headline.
Another alternative would be to pay for
one if you wanted it to look really spectacular. One really good website, which
is not expensive at all is http://www.fiverr.com (see image
below), which is a website where you can practically get anything for $5. Somebody will be more than willing
to do a headline banner for you for $5,
you can't complain at that. It
is 100% legitimate and extremely popular,
as you'll see. I've used it myself on many occasions over time, for one reason
or another. Go check it out. My advice would be to search around on there and
go with the highest rated people, as they'll generally be the best at what they
Step 8 – Statistics & Monitoring
Here I'll show you where to look to
locate who your target market are and increase your traffic. Go to your blog in
the usual way, 'overview' then 'layout' and 'add a gadget'. This time scroll down to 'blog stats'. Here this will give you the stats on people viewing
your blog. You can have a play around and see which set-up you like best,
whether it just be figures, graphs, graphs and numbers, you decide.
Initially you obviously won't have many
visitors, but over time you will see
this begin to increase and as with anything, people will start to follow
what seems popular and what other people are following. When you begin to get
more and more viewers, people will see that as a good sign and a popular site
to visit. If your blog is busy, it will
get attention. I'd suggest placing the gadget somewhere near the bottom.
Add as many gadgets as you see fit. You
could add the 'language' gadget,
which enables your viewers to alter to their needs and it isn't just specific
to one language. This can come in handy if your projecting further afield,
other than just your own country.
There's another great gadget that can
come in handy for followers, which is 'subscribing'
specifically to your blog. This means if they do sign up, they will receive an
email whenever you create a new post. You could add 'share it' buttons, which is all the social networks. People can
share it to Twitter, Facebook etc. This will provide great advertising to
potentially thousands of people.
You can keep up-to-date with all the
statistics linked to your blog by going to your 'overview'. This will initially show your visitor details, but if
you click on 'more stats' it will
show you even more detailed information. This can be fascinating, as it can
show where in the world your blog is being shared and viewed the most, the
traffic sources of how they are getting to your site and so on. It really is brilliant and can help you
focus more on areas not doing so well and do more of the things that are
popular in others.
So, there you go.... You now know how to
successfully set-up a simple website that can earn you money, with no need to
pay any website designer or hosting fee's, as is hosted for FREE by Google. You
have your own domain name, opt-in box and affiliate links, so you can now concentrate on any little layout
details or gadgets you feel may benefit your niche/business to make it stand
out. The next step for you will be promoting your blog and generating what is
known as traffic, to get as many people viewing your site as possible, which
we'll go into another time.
hope you have enjoyed this post and it has opened your eyes to the amazing
potential of making money online and starting your very own blog as the first step.
Kind regards,
Mark Swift
P.S. Check out some useful resources below.
· http://www.google.com - Simple, but effective,
enter keywords in the search bar and find relevant niche articles.
· http://www.youtube.com - The hub of video
production. Access to millions of videos you can utilize for your Blog.
· http://www.fiverr.com - Get jobs, posts,
outsourcing, basically anything you like from here. Have a browse and check it
· http://www.getdollarfreetrial.aweber.com
- Top recommended autoresponder out there. Simple, easy to use and excellent
customer service. 1 month trial for only $1 with this link.
- http://www.mttbvip.com - The Ultimate Online Business Education - Earn Huge Commissions with this High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Program.