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Sunday, 2 August 2015

Social Media Profits!... If you're not optimised, you're getting left behind!

Have you ever wondered how the experts are so good with Social Media and how they seem to have an endless flow of followers? Here's the secret..... Most of them don't do it themselves! Or at least have most of their tweets and posts automated or done for them, then just throw they're own in every now and again whenever they feel like it.

Now, you could see this as cheating or being very clever. Time is precious and the idea is to keep your audience engaged by keeping them up-to-date with whatever it is you do, whilst at the same time living your life. If people were to constantly post as much as they do on all forms of Social Media themselves, they wouldn't have time to do anything else. This is why if you're not having part of your Social Media automated or even utilising the opportunity it gives you and are in Business, then you're seriously getting left behind.

Here's a few useful figures to put into perspective:
- Facebook - passes 1.23 billion monthly active users! 945 million mobile users and 757 million daily users!
- Twitter - Over 600 million registered users! 316 million monthly active users and 500 million tweets sent per day!

That's just the top two Social Networks and the scary thing is, there's plenty more and they're still growing! Just think how much exposure this can give you and your Business, if you know what you're doing :)

If you're now thinking 'Hmmm, he's right. I'd love to save some time and dip in and out when it suits, whilst at the same time growing my Business.... But I don't know where to start?' Then don't worry! I've got it covered for you here ===> https://theincomefromhome.leadpages.co/socialmediaprofits/

Now as we're in the age of the internet, it is more important than ever that as well as for socialising, you use Social Media for Business. Ideally you'd have a separate account for both, Business and pleasure so that you can differentiate. Just imagine the possibilities of going to sleep, whilst your Business is still working in the background, building and growing your audience almost automatically. It's a win, win situation that will only increase your profitability.

No matter what field of Business you are in, Social Media should be on the brain as a way to reach millions of customers throughout the world. Even if you have a small local Business, don't think that this doesn't apply to you either, as with all Social Networks, you can target people specifically within your local area, the power of this is truly amazing.

It also doesn't mean that you just have your Business profiles were you constantly sell things, as that would more than likely deter people. Make sure you interact, ask questions, network with like minded individuals, always provide value in what you do and what you offer. Answer people's questions, as whatever field you are in, whether you think it or not, you will be an expert to someone who knows nothing about what you do.

Semi-automating your Social Media networks may sound like a daunting prospect, but it really isn't and is so simple. Not only that, it's also FREE if you know where to look and what to do. Don't get me wrong, you can also pay for these type of services if you wish to gain some advanced features that can come in handy, but in general the free versions offer everything you need to get started.

This is why I decided to create the 'Social Media Profits' ebook, for a simple, easy to follow guide on how you can utilise the world of Social Media for your Business. The majority of people get overwhelmed, don't know what to do for the best, whether to pay for things or not and what works and what doesn't. I've done all that for you, from start to finish. I've done all the hard work, made the mistakes myself, learned from them and fine tuned all in this one guide. 

Whether you're advanced or beginner, this will be taylor made for you! 

Don't get left behind, just click on the link & check it out ===> https://theincomefromhome.leadpages.co/socialmediaprofits/

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