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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Why Should Marketers Consider Dynamic Ads On LinkedIn?

Why Should Marketers Consider Dynamic Ads On LinkedIn?
Are you a B2B marketer?
Want to deliver personalized messages to engage with your audience?
LinkedIn provides a great solution with its Dynamic Ads feature. In this article, let us see why marketers should consider Dynamic Ads for their B2B marketing.

There Are 4 Steps Leading To Success In Digital Marketing:

  1. Define your goal
  2. Target the right people
  3. Engage them with content
  4. Optimize your impact
Targeting and engaging with the right people are the steps that a marketer should concentrate more on. Because it is a well-known fact that message relevancy is the key factor, when it is about connecting with targeted users. The success or failure of a digital marketer is decided by the relevancy of their message. If marketers are not reaching the relevant users, they cannot make what they want.
Nowadays, the online user behavior cannot be predicted with a manual effort. On the other hand, the competition is increasing. You have to compete with many other marketers who also try to grab the attention of the users.
60% of the marketers say that reaching the right audience with a right message is their top priority in digital marketing. But many marketers are struggling with creating an engagement with their targeted users. Among the 433 million users in the community, it is a bit difficult to target the right people.

Dynamic Ads

To help its marketing users, LinkedIn has rolled out Dynamic Ads feature and now it makes some changes to this beautiful feature. With these new updates, marketers can have a new feel and they can place their calls-to-action and images prominently. So that, they can drive the engagement with the right users.
LinkedIn Dynamic Ads

Why LinkedIn Dynamic Ads?

There are three main things that you can do with the help of LinkedIn Dynamic Ads. They are
  1. Target the Right Audience Who Matter Your Business

LinkedIn gives you a form where you can select your targeted audiences. This contains a wide range of criteria for targeting. That includes company, skills, interests, location etc.
  1. Performance Measurement

Measuring performance is needed for any campaign. Unless you know the performance of the campaign, you cannot take a decision further. LinkedIn gives you precise metrics of your performance.
  1. Increase Your Follower Count

You can place calls-to-action like “Follow Company” which can get you new followers. So, you can easily increase your follower count on LinkedIn.
Place calls-to-action like “Follow Company” which increases your followers on LinkedIn
To know how better the results of LinkedIn Dynamic Ads would be, here we are giving you a success story of CA Technologies on LinkedIn. Take a look.

CA Technologies

CA technologies, a leading software solutions enterprise, wants to drive leads. It has developed a great content that is downloadable, targeting the high-level decision makers in the IT sector. Their challenge lies in getting clicks from these high-quality leads.
To drive leads for its enterprise software solutions, CA Technologies developed relevant, downloadable content targeted to high-level IT decision-makers. The challenge was getting these high-quality leads to convert from clicks.

What Did They Do?

They used the best in their marketing strategy. They used LinkedIn’s dynamic ads for their advertising. Dynamic ads link the member’s profile picture with the name and message of a brand. As per the Digital Marketing Head of the company, LinkedIn’s Dynamic ads are eye-catching and visually appealing. With the dynamic ads, they could promote their content in a better way as they were able to add more ad copy.

What Was The Result?

CA Technologies got outstanding results for its dynamic ad campaign. The campaign has resulted in a conversion rate of 11.3%. The cost per lead was 68% less when compared to other social media platforms. On this great success, the digital marketing head of CAT says that they were pretty sure their content reached the right audience, resulting great conversion rates. And also said that they shifted their marketing budget to LinkedIn from other social platforms, owing to the great results.
Why Should Marketers Consider Dynamic Ads On LinkedIn?
If you are new to advertising on LinkedIn, dynamic ads can be helpful for you in delivering personalized content to your targeted users with creative ads. To create customized templates, marketers are using the native ad format. These templates can be populated dynamically with relevant content like skills, interests etc and profile images of the user who are viewing the ad. Depending on the contextual elements of what the user is viewing, the content can be optimized. 
Dynamic ads can achieve a variety of ad objectives such as driving conversions, getting new followers for your LinkedIn company or showcase page and display job notifications. 


Reaching the relevant users with relevant content is the main advantage that you can get with LinkedIn’s dynamic ads. You might be using the general ad features of LinkedIn. Though they help you in reaching a large number of users, we are not sure how many of them matter for your business. But with dynamic ads, you reach only the users who matter the most for you.
This is the thing that separates the dynamic ads from other ad features of LinkedIn.

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